Supply Chain and Systems Simulation Lab

Browse through the Facilities available for experiments/exercises in the lab

Supply Chain Role Play Game (SCRPG) software package
Online Supply chain role play game with different type of information sharing options.
Vendor Managed Inventory-based Supply Chain Role Play Game (VMI-SCRPG) software package
Online Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)-based supply chain role play game which uses VMI concept between retailer and wholesaler.
Google Spreadsheet-based Supply Chain Role Play Game (GS-SCRPG) online tool
Google spreadsheet-based supply chain role play game for collaboration, and strategy formation in the operation of supply chain.
Four-stage serial supply chain Inventory Policy Analyser (FIPA) software package
A software package for the performance analysis of a four-stage serial supply chain under different inventory control systems.
Supply Chain Inventory Policy Analyser (SCIPA) software package
Software package for the performance analysis of serial and divergent supply chains under different inventory control systems.
Excel-based supply chain simulation for the performance analysis of a four-stage serial supply chain under P-system of inventory control
Useful for understanding the use of Excel for general application and its use in simulation of supply chains and analysis of inventory control system in a supply chain environment.
Hand simulation of a small production system
For understanding the simulation concept, working of a discrete item manufacturing system, determination of common production system performance measures, etc.
Cellular manufacturing system design program in MATLAB
Machine cells and part family can be formed under different kind of input situations for obtaining suitable cellular manufacturing system configuration which is suitable for lean production.
MATLAB based inventory system simulation
Training in the use of MATLAB for general programming applications and its use in the simulation of inventory system.
Supply Chain Simulation and Optimization with anyLogistix
anyLogistix software designed for supply chain modeling, simulation, and optimization. It combines advanced supply chain analytics, such as optimization, with dynamic simulation, allowing users to model complex, real-world supply chain networks.
  • Design and optimize supply chain networks
  • Simulate supply chain dynamics
  • Optimize inventory management
  • Assess risks and run 'what-if' scenarios