Browse through the Facilities available for experiments/exercises in the lab
MED NITC Manufacturing Requirements Planning (MNMRP) software package
Material planning and scheduling using MRP and generation of material plans by rolling through time.
Construction of X-bar and R Chart
An exercise is available which mimics the continuous/repetitive production situation for rational subgrouping of items to construct X-bar and R charts.
Learning Curve
Exercises are available to study the individual learning effect and percentage of learning in a repeated performance of an activity.
Preparation of Assembly Chart, Product Structure and Production Planning
An exercise setup is available which can be used for: (i) preparing product structure and assembly chart for a product, and (ii) preparing Material Requirements Plans (MRP) and dispatch list based on production calendar.
Pin Board Assembly, Pipe Tee Assembly, Pipe Plug Assembly and Block & Bolt Assembly Setups
An exercise setup is available which can be used for: (i) preparing product structure and assembly chart for a product, and (ii) preparing Material Requirements Plans (MRP) and dispatch list based on production calendar.
Work-Pro software package for time study
Exercises are available for method study and work place layout analysis.
Layout Planning (LP) software package
Development of best process layout and customizing the layout; simulated annealing based algorithm is the main part of the software package.
Visual Acuity Test
Exercises are available to study the visual acuity parameters such as darkness adaptation capability, exposure time and target object size at a given luminance.
ErgoMaster software package
For the ergonomic analysis of human effort.
Gait analysis software
Scientific assessment of physical activity and energy expenditure.
Human body vibration meter
(i) Hand Arm and Whole-body kit (ii) Seat Pad Sensor
Heart Rate Monitor
POLAR RS 400 for physiological performance evaluation of human work
Facilities available for measurements and analysis of ergonomic variables.
i. Anthropometer (Integrated Composite Anthropometer suitable for measurement of 79 human dimensions) ii. Goniometer iii. Sound Level Meter with Data Logging iv. Light Meter with Memory capability v. Eye and hand coordination vi. Coordination tester vii. Pantograph viii. Stabilimeter ix. Mirror-drawing instrument x. Back and leg muscle dynamometer xi. Grip dynamometer (Digital and Analogue) xii. Depth perception test set-ups xiii. Aesthesiometer xiv. Tachistoscope to test perception, memory and reaction time xv. Coin sorting tester to test discrimination through visual and tactile sensations xvi. Match-Board tester to measure skill and dexterity in the movement of fingers xvii. Puzzle rings xviii. Weight estimation tester xix. Form Board tester xx. Aiming tester xxi. Mental tempo tester